Thursday, September 13, 2012

The hair is coming back!

Time has really been flying by lately. Tomorrow will mark 7 weeks since my last treatment and also six months since my surgery. I really have been feeling fantastic! I try to walk most days during my lunch break. I am running a few times a week. That has been slow to come back, but I am up to about a mile and a half now. I have also become addicted to yoga and do it 4-5 nights a week. My blood counts are coming back up and I can tell a difference in my energy levels. I still get tired a little easier than before, but that might last for up to a year or so. My fingertips are still numb most of the time and my nails are still sensitive and discolored, but they are growing out. I have now had two Herceptin-only infusions and I don't seem to have any side effects.

I had a repeat echocardiogram a few weeks ago. The bad news is the pericardial effusion didn't get any smaller (despite skipping my last Taxotere and a month of high dose Ibuprofen), but the good news is it isn't getting any bigger. Both my oncologist and cardiologist are comfortable waiting on it for now. I will have another ultrasound in October.

Now for the big hair! It is definitely growing back. I have actually had to break out my razor, which was both exciting and yet a little disappointing at the same time. There have definitely been some perks to not having any hair! It will still be a while before I can go without the wig, but at least things are progressing in the right direction. Here are the last 4 weeks of pictures.

This past weekend Derek and I along with some family and friends did the Steppin' Out in Pink Breast Cancer Walk in LaCrosse, WI. It was a longer walk at almost 5 miles, but it was a gorgeous day and we had a blast. Thank you to everyone who came out for it!

Help me reach my goal for the Susan G. Komen Twin Cities 3-Day

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